Shoulder Pain Osteopathy Treatment Clinic

Shoulder Pain Osteopathy Treatment Centre covering Croydon & the Surrounding areas

Shoulder pain is one of the most common injuries our practitioners treat at our clinic. Our Osteopaths will immediately loosen the joint assisting in the rehabilitation your condition as well as teach you exercises which will help strengthen the effected area. 

Shoulder Pain Osteopathic Treatment

The shoulder joint is possibly the most complex joint in the human body and sacrifices stability for its amazing range of movement. It has an amazing array of ligaments, muscles and tendons to support the joint and to allow it to perform complex movements. Unfortunately, this also means it is very vulnerable to injury.

For our Osteopaths, it is one of the most common joint injuries we see at the clinic. After taking a brief case history, we will perform specific orthopaedic tests to establish which tissues have been injured. We will then start a rehabilitation program aimed at treating the areas affected using massage and stretching techniques to reduce tension and improve range of movement. We will also look at giving you exercises aimed at strengthening or loosening the joint that will help the rehabilitation process.

In more serious cases, X-rays and scans may be require to make a full diagnosis and we may refer you privately or to your GP to have these carried out.

What Shoulder Conditions can our Osteopaths treat?

Shoulder pain is common and can be caused by a number of conditions. These conditions include:
○ Rotator Cuff Injuries – pain in the shoulder or upper arm, particularly when lifting the arm, lying on it or using the sore muscles. It is often a result of repetitive overuse of the arm and shoulder during a sport or activity or the result of a shoulder injury. Age can also play a part.
○ Acromioclavicular joint pain – painful joint on the tip of the shoulder where the collar bone and shoulder blade join.
○ Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis – is the painful and gradual stiffening of the shoulder capsule (the tissue that surrounds your shoulder joint) and the shoulder can often become so stiff and painful that it limits your ability to use your arm in everyday activities.
○ Referred shoulder pain – pain is experienced in an area away from the actual injury of problem. For example, pain in the shoulder which is usually referred from the neck or upper back.
○ Osteoarthritis – progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint leading to the two bones of the joint rubbing together causing pain. Patients who have had previous trauma or shoulder surgery are most likely to develop arthritis in later life. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness, aching and sharp stabbing pains.
○ Shoulder instability – dislocation or excessive movement of the shoulder joint.

Biceps Tendon Injuries

Biceps Tendon Injuries is inflammation or irritation of the tendon around the long head of the biceps muscle located at the front of the shoulder. Often the shoulder pain is felt on exercises such as chest press, or biceps curls. The causes may have been from a single event or repetitive overuse.

Osteopathy can help with biceps tendon injuries by using a variety of techniques, such as soft tissue and gentle manipulation.

What are the Benefits of Visiting an Osteopath for Shoulder Pain?

One of the key benefits of the treatment is that it helps to decrease the likelihood of the problem re-occurring.

Once your underlying structure and balance have been restored, you will no longer have the underlying imbalances that can set your shoulder pain off.

The therapy will not only reduce pain, it will also improve your natural movement and help to increase blood flow. All of which helps to restore your feeling of well-being.

Our Osteopaths will also give clear advice on how you can help manage your own condition and you will be given tips on specific exercises you can do to aid your recovery.

What do I do now?

Simply send us an email to or give us a call on 0208 776 0964 to have a chat about how we could help you get relief from shoulder pain.

How Much Does Osteopathy Treatment Cost?

New Patients


1 Hour Treatment

  • Initial Consultation
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
  • Client Parking Available
Returning Patients


30 Minute Treatment

  • Condition Review 
  • Immediate Treatment
  • Short Notice Appointments Available
  • Highly Qualified & Experienced Practitioners
  • Client Parking Available
Sanderstead Osteopaths

Other Osteopathic Services We Offer:

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle form of osteopathic treatment. It's usually used to treat babies and children and involves a gentle manipulation of their head and spine to increase comfort.

Baby Cranial Osteopathy Treatments
General Osteopathy

Described as general osteopathic treatment (GOT) that consists of using several types of body segment mobilizations for assessing the occurrence of musculoskeletal dysfunctions

General Osteopathy
Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Treatments

Our osteopathic treatments will reduce your neck, back & shoulder pain. Treatments may include soft tissue massage, mobilisation and strengthening work to the shoulder, neck and back.

Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Pain Osteopathy
Headaches & Migraines Treatments

Migraines & headaches are often triggered or worsened by stress, muscle tension, injuries, sinus pressure and incorrect posture. Our fully trained osteopaths can assist and help remedy any pain and discomfort you may be experiencing.

Headaches & Migraines Osteopathy
Pregnancy & Post Natal Treatments

Pregnancy and postnatal osteopathy can help to address a wide range of symptoms that include back pain, rib strain, wrist issues and pelvic pain. Our osteopathic treatments can also be of benefit to those suffering with symptoms such as constipation, tiredness or emotional imbalance.

Pregnancy & Post Natal Osteopathic Treatment
Children & Teenager  Treatments

Our paediatric osteopaths are highly experienced at identifying unresolved tension within teenagers & young adults. They apply modern scientific techniques of developmental anatomy & physiology through the use of therapeutic touch.

Teenager & Young Adult Osteopathy Treatments
Chronic Pain Treatment

Osteopathic manipulative treatment is used to alleviate somatic dysfunction by applying manually guided forces to improve physiologic function and support homeostasis.

Chronic Pain Osteopathy Clinic
Sports Injury Treatments

Our highly qualified osteopaths help to restore structural balance, ease of movement and joint mobility. Osteopathy encourages your joints range of motion, which in turn reduces pain and stiffness within the muscles and joints increasing blood flow to the affected areas.

Sports Injury Osteopath
Sanderstead Osteopaths

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